Connect with Catharine,


Let’s get you back to running your business

As a fellow entrepreneur who's been in your shoes, I understand how the myriad responsibilities can drag you in countless directions. You've invested your heart, sweat, and determination into building your business from scratch. Amidst the client interactions, financial matters, scheduling jigsaw, phone calls, emails, marketing endeavours, and a myriad of other responsibilities, that initial spark of passion might be fading.

Trust me, I've been there too! The truth is, it's easy to get caught in the cycle of trying to do it all. But let's face it – no one is built to be a one-person powerhouse. I wholeheartedly embrace the wisdom that guided me when I ventured into business: "Focus on your strengths and outsource the rest.”

Now, imagine shedding the weight of managing your online presence. That's where my Social Media Management service steps in, shouldering the task of crafting engaging content, planning captivating posts, and fostering consistent interaction with your audience.

And for those times when the prospect of developing and maintaining a website seems daunting, my Web Design service steps up with a focus on the user-friendly Squarespace platform. Crafting websites that elegantly reflect your unique brand while giving you the autonomy to manage them confidently. Plus, my packages can include branding photography and compelling copywriting to ensure your website stands out distinctively.

If you're ready to dive into the intricacies of social media or website maintenance, my One-on-One Coaching sessions provide the personalized guidance you need to master the nuances of effectively managing your business's online presence.

My commitment extends to digital marketing and graphic design services, catering to your brand's visual identity with visually striking logos, business cards, and marketing materials. I'm here to not only realize your vision but elevate your brand's visual presence.

Ready to work with me?